Tonight we get on the plane back to Sweden so this is our very last and final day in the States. We came back to New York City without too much trouble. Queues for about half an hour just as we drove through Bronx, but very smooth otherwise. But... And there's always a but! As we parked the car, for the very last time, just to check into our hotel and drop the bags off, we got a feckin parking ticket. I won't even tell you how much it was because it was just a ridiculous amount of money. We'd even paid the price at the meter, but it turned out the spots were only for commercial vehicles (we kind of had a feeling we were doing something half-wrong, but decided to chance it, and there you go).
On the plus side, the car rental company didn't really complain about the dent in the car, and we didn't have to pay extra for that.
I hope our readers enjoyed the everyday ramblings of the journey. This space has been a nice place to unwind and sort through the day's events. I suppose it's also kind of like a travel diary, and unless Blogger decides to call it a day, we can look back on this and get help remembering all the stuff we've seen and done.
Thank you everyone who has commented - it really helps motivation :) And thank you everyone who's been reading and lurking.
It will take me a long time to sort out the photos, but when they're done I'll post a link to some facebook album here.
Before this blog reverts to Swedish, we'll give you a super fast top-three list-list.
Top 3....
Favourite places in USA:
-Grand Canyon (Arizona)
-Redwood forest (California)
-Big Sur (California)
Worst places in USA:
-El Paso (Texas)
-New Jersey Turnpike (New Jersey)
-Any large city interstate junction
Best hotels (based 95% on size and comfort of bed!):
-Phoenix Park Hotel (Washington DC)
-Treasure Island (Las Vegas)
-Best Western, Eureka (California)
Worst hotels:
-Quality Inn, Battle Montain (Nevada)
-Econolodge, Washington DC (this inn was the first of many we dubbed 'cockroach inn')
-Day's Inn, Pensacola (Florida - after this one, we called every Day's Inn we saw 'Fail Inn' and never stayed at another one)
Totally worth the money:
-Ben and Jerry's ice cream factory (Vermont) - $3 for a day of a lot of queuing, but a lot of fun and ice creamy goodness!
-Universal Studios (L.A.) - $70 and worth every penny
-White Sands National Monument (New Mexico) - $7 and the luckiest of our random finds.
Totally not worth the money:
-Disney World (Florida) - $80... Don't go here unless you have kids.
-Empire State Building - $20 to go up a bloody elevator. They should pay YOU $20 to queue for 45 minutes...
-New York City Map - $8 from a newsstand. We discovered later that every hotel has them for free. Our worst buy in our time here!
Right, check-out time is in half an hour and I still need to brush my teeth and pack a bag. See you back home, friends and family!
Välkommen till min nya blogg!
7 years ago
It has been really enjoying to read your blog. I am so glad you gave this to us and now I am looking forward to hear it all again.
ReplyDeleteWelcome home sweethearts:D
Tack för ett otroligt bra bloggande, det har varit jättekul att läsa om era strapatser. Men det ska bli ännu roligare att återse er, vi tar emot er med öppna armar när ni kommer hem!
ReplyDeleteÄntligen kom ett meddelande - och ett intressant, slutsummerande sådant! Jag undrade om det föregående skulle bli det sista, och att ni fått problem med uppkoppling och annat - så jag har även mailat Mattias! - men så icke, DET KOM ÄNNU ETT, som bekräftar att allt har gått bra för er i slutändan också! Och jag instämmer med Mamma och Kim (och Gittan också, är jag säker på!) att det har varit högintressant att följa er i ord och bild! TACK FÖR ALLT NI GETT, och hoppas att ni totalt sett har fått ut långt mera än ni kunnat drömma om, trots kanske en del missöden och felberäkningar!? Det är väl ändå inte en "perfekt resa" ni eftersträvat, utan ett reseäventyr och en upplevelse för livet, eller hur!? Och det hoppas och tror jag att ni har fått - med råge!! Så hjärtligt välkomna hem "to Sweden" igen, och välkomna också så småningom till Göteborg, och till undertecknad ! YES, INDEED!! Ha även en trevlig flygresa, sist men inte minst! Bye, bye, so long, my friends!