Sunday, 2 August 2009

Day 32 - South Dakota

Just a quick note from the hotel in Sioux Falls in eastern South Dakota.

We went to see Mt Rushmore today, but since it was the only interesting thing we saw all day I can't be arsed even uploading that one pic. We've spent the rest of the day travelling 350 miles on the interstate through road work and corn fields. Oh yes, corn fields. So. Many. Corn. Fields. I hope the usual change of scenery takes place when we drive into Iowa tomorrow because if I see another corn field I might just light a match and make a lot of popcorn out of it.

We also had our weakest cup of coffee so far here. Well Mattias had (some) - after seeing the colour I gave it a miss. I actually thought for a second they'd brought us tea. Mum, you would suffer over here :) I really miss our coffee grinder...

It's one big, long drive from here to Niagara Falls which is our next planned stop along the road. I think that's about 4 days away. Hopefully we'll find something interesting before that though!

Just no more corn fields.



  1. I'm really enjoying your blog! Both the text and the pictures are great.
    Dallas, TX

  2. Hey Melanie!

    I'm glad you enjoy the blog - it's always nice to know it attracts people outside the immediate circle of friends and family. I hope you don't think I'm giving your country too much of a bashing. It's an amazing country. Overwhelming at times (in all senses of the word), but amazing all the same :)

  3. Hehe
    Do you remember when we were in Paris. I had a little waterboiler (or what you say) and instant coffee in the luggage so I could have as strong coffee as I wanted when I woke up.
    In Paris.......hahahaha
    It´s really great that even american people find there way to your blog, and yes it´s true, it´s very enjoying blog:)
    Hugs and be careful out there

  4. Vet inte om ni är cornflakes-freaks, Mattias och Du, men nu vet ni varifrån de kommer, om och när ni äter sånt nästa gång! Den svenska motsvarigheter till gula fält är väl i så fall rapsfälten!?
    Apropå svagt kaffe, så har jag nyss provat på det i Frederikshavn i Danmark, och det är ingen höjdare - jag kallar sådant blask för "vattenskadat", för att inte säga något ännu elakare!? (Men den stora och goda mazarinen till detta uppvägde i viss mån "vattenskadan"!) Där måste jag nog säga, att Sverige har kommit längre än många andra länder - sedan är ju som bekant smaken som b...! Hälsar "kaffe-freaken" i Götet, som snart väntar besök av Mattias´ äldre kusin Thomas Stark m.fl. (som i detta fall betyder "med flicka") Ha det fortsatt bra!!

