Wednesday, 29 July 2009

On the road update.

Nothing much to say today, we've been on the road for a long time today, suffering from the extensive roadwork between Anderson in California and Reno in Nevada. We're now back in the desert and after finding every single inn in Winnemucca filled to the brim with pensioners (not sure what they were doing, maybe some 65+ poker tournament?), we drove all the way to Battle Mountain, quite far into Nevada.

We've been a bit troubled regarding our Yellowstone accommodation. Our first problem was that any which way we tried to plan our nightly stops on the way there, we either had to drive not very much, or way too much each day. The second problem is that hotels in the Yellowstone area (anything within a couple of hour's drive) are extremely expensive on weekdays and horrendously, fantastically, can-not-believe-it expensive on weekends.

Well, our mammoth drive today made it possible to cut our nightly stops by one (if we drive quite far tomorrow as well), and also avoid staying in Yellowstone over the weekend. "Only" $185 for the night there... Three times as much as normal! Well, it's a one-off in Americas most popular park.

Our connection here is very bad, so no pictures today (they were only boring desert landscapes anyway), and don't be surprised if there's not much here until the weekend.

Until then!


  1. Excuse me, but into my fantasy I can see you both riding "your horses" in a dusty and sandy desert, looking for a town like them from the all Western-movies, and when you have found it, you ask the sheriff or other peoples, about the best way to go on!? Maybe You had been sleeping by the night there too, in a simply hostel, for going on next day!? Please, think about it a moment! With "desert-greetings" from Sweden again! Have a lucky tour, please!

  2. Vi hamnade också i den där köra-långt-fällan när vi var Over There. Varenda inn var fullt och när vi äntligen hittade ett ställe med ett ledigt rum fick Manni rulla ut sitt liggunderlag och sova på golvet medan jag mamma och Stefan fick dela på sängen (som i och för sig var superbred). En annan gång hamnade vi på något litet ställe som precis såg ut att vara taget ur någon skräckfilm eller thriller. Jag var säker på att vi skulle få se en sån där klassisk filmscen morgonen efter - ett stort gäng poliser med dragna vapen som gömmer sig bakom sina bilar och så någon förhandlare med en skottsäker väst och en megafon. Men så blev det inte. Det var lika lugnt som på de flesta andra ställen.

  3. Hi
    It´s nearly as fun to read the comments as to read the posts:D
    Does all people got the same kind of imagination as I? Or just all your friends and relativs?
    Your trip are really giving me evry fantacy you can have about america, trigged from movies all the way back to since television started until now. The pics makes it even easier to imagine.
    Strange that the "desertroads" inn are filled all the way. My fantasy is that all pensioners need the hot and dry area to get more mobile. And we all know how rich american pensioners are don´t we, so the price is set to there terms of payment.
    And now is my fantasy about strange criminals at wiered petrolstations very strong, but i couldn´t imagine that the criminals was the owners of the inns.
    Love and hugs
    PS: Be carefull out there

  4. Kim: ja, vi älskar king size beds vi också :) Vi höll utkik efter det där stället med gråa trähus men vi såg aldrig något på hela Kalifornienkusten! Kanske var det en avstickare vi inte gjorde..

    Mamma: Haha, vissa inn vi har vart på har varit skummare än bensinstationerna :) De har Shell överallt, vi är nu trogna kunder där. Jag vet att det är omoraliskt (men vilken bensinstation är inte det?) men de har billig bensin och alltid rena, fräscha toaletter! Man blir väldigt beroende av att veta var det finns bra toaletter när man är ute på vägen, har vi märkt.

